Tata Safari Maintenance Tips To Ensure Excellent Performance

The Tata Safari is a 6-seater SUV available in 32 variants and one engine option. It is a comfortable highway car with a long list of features and good off-roading capability. The Safari packs a strong motor with great comfort and style and if you are considering bringing it home, here are some Tata Safari maintenance tips for you to ensure that it stays in stock condition

Engine care

It is very important to check and maintain an adequate oil level in your car at all times. When running, make sure that the engine is at its normal operating temperature. Once it has reached that level, remove the dipstick and check the oil level carefully. It should be somewhere between the high and low markings on your dipstick. If it has fallen below the lower level, refill your engine oil immediately. Additionally, you should also check your air and fuel filter at every service. If they get too clogged, contaminated fuel can enter the engine which can cause damage to other parts. Brown and murky engine oil is a sign that you need to change both, your oil as well as the filter.

Your vehicle’s oil consumption depends on the driving habits and conditions of your vehicle. Therefore keep in mind to drive carefully and not be rash while driving. It is best to anticipate your stops and maintain a

You should check the level of the brake fluid frequently to ensure that it’s at the proper level. If it’s below the mark, top off the product. It’s also important to keep the brake fluid away from the paint surface to prevent its accidental spill.

Engine coolant

The engine coolant level should be checked regularly to ensure that it’s at the ideal level. If it gets below the lower limit, you need to refill it. In case of an emergency, you can use a large quantity of water to reach the service location. Additionally, it is important to remember to use Tata Motors’ recommended coolant and fluids only. Refer to your owner’s manual for the same.

Battery Care

This service also involves checking the battery’s fluid levels. By measuring them against the marking on the outer case, you can easily identify the level of battery fluids and refill if necessary. Also, make sure that the terminals are not corroded. You can remove any kind of deposits from the terminals with a solution of baking soda and water. Allow the mixture to dissolve the deposits and wipe them dry after a while. Protect your terminals from further corrosion by using terminal grease or petroleum jelly.

However, disconnect the cables before you clean them starting with the negative terminal and reconnecting with the positive terminal first. Battery care is a very essential part of Tata Safari Maintenance

Furthermore, ensure that the battery is properly mounted and is away from any kind of sparks or flames as it is quite flammable

Tire care

Firstly, always maintain proper tire pressure. Be proactive and get your tires checked whenever you get your fuel refilled. In case the pressure has fallen below the required limit, get it refilled as well. There are refill services at nearly every petrol station. If you have underinflated tires, you could face excessive side tread wear, fuel wastage, and a complete breakdown if the temperatures rise. However, it is important to not overfill as well. Overinflated tires can cause excessive centre tread wear and damage your tires. It also leaves them vulnerable to road hazards.

Secondly, you can increase your tires life by rotating them at frequent intervals. This simple step will help in ensuring that the damage and wear are distributed evenly.

Tata Safari maintenance also requires maintaining wheel alignment and balance. This will help prevent steering vibration and ensure a smooth drive.

Maintenance Schedule

In addition to these Tata Safari maintenance tips, you should remember to get your car serviced regularly. This will keep your car running smoothly. You are entitled to four free services (labor only), the coupons for which are attached to your sales invoice. The first service is scheduled at 1000-1500 kilometres or 1 month. The second is scheduled at 5000-5500 kilometres or 6 months, followed by a third at 15000-15500 kilometres or 12 months, and the third at 30000-30500 kilometres or 24 months. You should keep getting your car serviced at this interval regularly.

Detailed locations of authorized service centres or Tata Motors authorized service points are provided in the owner’s manual. You can visit AutoFlipz.com, Asia’s largest car service network, for more information about the Tata Safari service. 

Somya Dhuliya: A Literature graduate and content writer looking to broaden her horizons through new opportunities to learn.